Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Last Day :(

Well, the day has come. In 10 hours, we will be departing from the Rio airport, heading home. It's come too soon! I can't believe it's been two weeks! In a strange way, it seems like it's been both shorter and longer than that. In a way, two weeks is hardly anything- I feel like there is still so much more we need to do, and so many more people at the school to meet! But at the same time, it feels like we´ve been here forever. I can't believe that I've only known most of these people for only two weeks-  I feel like it's been so much longer. I can't believe it was only two weeks ago that I was whining about being stuck in Houston. And though, of course, there's still so much more that we could do, we´ve done so much! We´ve been to Ipanema, Copacabana, and Cristo Redentor- all of the major attractions of Rio. But we also did some amazing things that the ordinary tourist doesn't expereince. We spent a wonderful week in the Pantanal, seeing the beautiful river, the increadible animals, and learning more about SESC. We were taught all of the vital Portuguese frazes (arrasa- you rock!). And, most importantly, we met so many wonderful people! Though it was a challenge keeping track of the names of everyone who cheerfully said "Hi, my name is --!", it wasn't a challenge to make friends with all of these people. Everyone has been so helpful and friendly. As I said before, I can't believe that I´ve only known these people for two weeks. The students at SESC will be what I will miss the most about Brazil, and also what I will remember the most about the trip. I don't look forward to having to say goodbye to all of these people in just a few hours. Thank god for Facebook!
Well, I guess the next time I talk to any of you will be when I'm back in the US. I don't want to go!


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