Monday, June 13, 2011

Flying, flying, flying, giant bump, landing

In all my years of flying on planes (and ostriches) I have never had a worse landing than on the flight from Rio to Brasília.  We were flying and nearing the ground and the pilot forgot to ease up on the throttle so we hit the ground hard and it was super super bumpy.  It was so bad that when we landed in Cuiabá after our next flight, everyone applauded the pilot because he/she didn't make the plane bounce when it landed.

The flight itself was much more interesting.  I never want to fly through a USA airport again.  They suck (mostly) and make everything super hard.  For security, we didn't have to take off our jackets or our shoes; all we had to do was empty our pockets and but our backpack through the scanner machine-doodlybop.  Once we were one the plane things got weird.  The things that we (Brazilians and Americans) were doing would have gotten us kicked off/yelled at on an American flight.  We were turning around in our seats, talking to each other across the aisle and taking pictures the entire flight.  We even got a complementary ham and cheese sandwich (at least $5 on a US flight)!!!

That is all for now as it is 11 O'clock and I am going to sleep.  By (tchau)!!!


PS.  I love frogs.  They are awesome and cool and there are so many of them here in the Pantanal.

PPS.  Ostriches don't fly.  I hope you laughed at my attempted (awful) humor.

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