Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Houston, We Don't Have a Problem

After waking up around 7:30 this morning, we headed to our complementary breakfast at the lovely Ramada. The group decided that Rice University was going to be the main attraction of the day. So, we hitched a ride to the airport, got confused, got tickets for the Metro Bus, and headed to downtown Houston. A hot, humid day awaited us, but we happily wandered around the campus until our 11:00 AM tour. As the tour guide walked backwards and explained facts regarding the school's history and meal plan, we trudged along in the oppressive humidity. Regardless, we toured the campus and it was lovely. Then, we headed downtown for lunch. We ate at an underground restaurant that nobody can remember the name of (Oh, Camille just told us it was "Ragin' Cajun") and all enjoyed salads. We were just in a salad mood, I guess. We wandered around Books A Million and shopped around a bit before catching the bus back to our hotel. There, we packed up, and in a fit of rage, Meredith and Isobel tore up their $7 complementary breakfast vouchers because the restaurant wasn't open. However, once we found out they could be used at the airport, Isobel began taping them back together. Tonight, we will leave at 9:05 and fly all night to Rio!
Despite being stranded in Houston, TX for the day, we managed to have quite a fun adventure. Tchau!

Sophia and Meredith

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